Access Adventures Huron
1:1 Community Support
Access Adventures Huron provides 1:1 community support for individuals living with special needs. Helping individual integrate back into their community of Huron County.
Support includes:
Setting and assisting individual in reaching recreation goals
Researching community recreation programs you can participate in
Support at community recreation programs
Recreation support at home
Support at volunteer activities
Please reach out for your FREE initial consultation to discuss needs and goals.
Consultation and Research
Developing and setting recreation goals together
Research local recreation programs based on interests and goals
Develop home-based programs if program is not currently being offered in community
Leisure Education
Discover how leisure activities can bring joy and sense of purpose into your life
Community Integration and Connection
Exploring what the county and community has to offer
Collaborating with local small businesses to create programs and offerings
Find and participate in community opportunities that create opportunities for growth, social interaction, creating relationships, and developing social skills
Adapted from Restore Recreation
Services you can expect from a Community Recreation Support Coordinator